even this way

Have you lost a sibling to abortion?
Do you find it difficult to process your grief?
Even This Way is here to
walk with you through your experience.
We know how complex and heavy
these emotions can be.
Share your story with us here or talk with someone by contacting us here.

sibling survivors of abortion panel
Whether you have a sibling who died by abortion or a loved one does,
Even This Way is here to walk alongside you on your journey towards healing.
Hear the stories of
sibling survivors of abortion:
their discovery, grief, and healing.
Listen here!
*Photos by Matthew Seymour

We know how difficult it can be to move forward from the loss of a sibling to abortion. There are many complexities that may make it difficult to process, and you might think to yourself, "Shouldn't I get over this?"
The healing process is individual to you, and we won't pretend there is a fast-track to "getting over" the loss of your sibling.
Let us help you take the first steps to healing today.
am I my brother's keeper ?
Gen. 4: 9